The institute will observe various forms of movement occurring throughout Point Douglas representing them through drawing and architecture. The primary intent is that the institute will act as long term recording device, layering data onto a surface. This data is received and recorded from movements in the surrounding areas and is amplified by light and sound-creating mechanisms. The light is projected through drawing surface and onto the upper portions of the spherical space. This portion contains light sensors which respond as the surface shifts and rotates, causing a variety of tones to be produced. The rhythm of this sound depends upon the movement and the contrast of light and shadow; caused by the markings left of the surface. The changes in the data effects the sound being produced; theoretically a single composition is never heard twice. The institute continues to create sound, project light, and record constantly until their is nothing left to record or it is not needed.
SCANNING THE SKY - Sensors scan the sky waiting for movement, changes in color, weather, + light qualities; small portions are analyzed and are broke down into patterns of light + dark. This data is collected, compared, + used to manipulate the shifting surface; depending on the level of change.

FORCES + VIBRATION - Sensors record the force exerted by passing trains at both end of the Annabella bridge; the data from each side is compared + used to to determine the rotation of the drawing surface. Similar sensors are placed throughout Point Douglas recording changes related to force + vibration; the Red River, the Disraeli bridge, etc.

Plan of Institute

Section AA

Section BB

South Elevation

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