Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tiction from Tink Thank

tiction - early prototype 1 from Hans Kuder on Vimeo.

Tiction is a flexible, nodal music sequencer.
"It’s pretty simple: Each node represents an event, and a connection from one node to the next triggers the next event after a certain number of tics. Nodes send MIDI note messages and/or MIDI controller change messages when triggered. Connecting nodes in a circuit lets you start a repeating pattern when one of the nodes is triggered.

A node can change its pitch and controller values based on its position on the screen. When a node is triggered, it performs some physical action: either repelling or attracting other nearby nodes, or nudging itself in a random direction. The physical interaction between nodes allows you to construct complex, rhythmic melodies and effects without having to draw filter envelopes or touch a traditional sequencer"
~Tink Thank
Tiction - Tink Thank

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