Friday, October 27, 2006

Live Video + Jitter

Here is a schematic of the Jitter patch used to invert the video feed back and forth at given time intervals. The patch displays the video at a 2 milli-seconds refresh rate. The video feed is then duplicated + inverted; this creates two live video outputs, one untouched, the other inverted. A timer + switch are used to change the video output back + forth. After a given amount of time, the 'metro' activates a switch changing the video output from normal to inverted or vice-versa. The video is then outputted to a seperate full screen window for projection.

In the image below the time intervals are 8000 (8 seconds) + 5000 (5 seconds); so the video output will be 5 seconds of inverted video and 8 seconds of untouched video. This output will continue to cycle back + forth.
Equipment - max/msp + Jitter + Camera + Computer + Projector

max/msp demo download:

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