Monday, October 30, 2006

Joseph Faber's Talking Head

"Euphonia" (Joseph Faber's Talking Head)
"This machine, as recently described by writer David Lindsay, consisted of a bizarre-looking talking head that spoke in a "weird, ghostly monotone" as Faber manipulated it with foot pedals and a keyboard."

"Henry observed that sixteen levers or keys "like those of a piano" projected sixteen elementary sounds by which "every word in all European languages can be distinctly produced." A seventeenth key opened and closed the equivalent of the glottis, an aperture between the vocal cords. 'The plan of the machine is the same as that of the human organs of speech, the several parts being worked by strings and levers instead of tendons and muscles.'"

Image + Text from:
Laputan Logic - Mr. Faber's Amazing Talking Head

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