Monday, February 19, 2007

Drawing bot w/housing

The intent of is to allow the drawing bot to sway + erode away as it come in contact with the drawing surface. The device will be suspend + set into motion by an arduino controlled dc motor. The drawing surface will shift back and forth on another arduino controlled set of motors (from a powered car mirror). The movements caused by both the bot + surface will cause the graphite form to wear in an unpredictable manner; with continually wear, the graphite will build up upon the surface potentially activating and/or changing other circuits. Arduino will be used to take in analog data (photocells, switches, etc.) and out digital data determining forward/reverse of the motors + possible speed. The analog inputs/sensors will collect information from the site + record it in a form of drawing.

The changing environments will wear the graphite uniformly causing the device's movement to be constantly altered (effecting drawing consistency, pattern, speed, weight, etc.).

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