Thursday, February 01, 2007

Generative Drawing

Generative Process - Using electricity to power mechanical devices, which move in an algorithmic-type motion. I started to experiment +
create machines capable of drawing; with the intention that a drawing was no longer an end product but a constantly evolving act. This act will continue to be informed by the devices, but also by their environments.


Wind - relatively unpredictable when consider in long period of time, changes day to day, if not throughout the day. Air movement fluctuates which adds complexity to the system. Creates motion + potentially controlled movement. The amount of air movement increases as height increases. Potential uses: moving contacts together + apart, propelling objects + components to cause movement, changing orientation of device and/or component + sensors.

Sound - relatively unpredictable, certain locations have repetitive sounds; Disraeli Freeway, railway, etc. Used with microphones + circuitry to active device and/or components. 'Cinderella' circuit; using sound to activate motors, LEDs, etc. Limited to range + potential circuitry complications.

Light - predictable, in terms of sunlight, from a day to day basis. Complexity is added when other sources of light are made possible; headlights, changes in shadows, street lights, etc. Photocell may be used as resistors, triggers for relays (with appropriate circuitry), and detection of light. Solar panels and/or photovoltaic cells with or without circuitry (solar engines) to produce electric current + voltage. Used to power and/or activate device + components. Used as resistors in circuitry. Limited to areas receiving light; lack of sunlight may cause device to be non-functional for a given period of time, which adds complexity to the system.

Movement - predictable in ways, sources of movement include; air, trains, automobiles, doors, etc. Vibrations + movements from these or similar objects may cause switches to be opened + closed momentarily, thus activating devices + components.

Various combinations of these attributes could be used with each device, which would ultimately add a multitude of complexity to the system. This would allow for an unpredictable outcome in terms of product and/or behavior. If the system is able to be sustained by solar power then the device could left for long periods of time without attention and/or service.

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