Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Arduino Light Sequencer Part III

Potential layout for control interface.
Time: each potentiometer controls a delay variable for the flashing LED. Brightness: each potentiometer controls the brightness level of the corresponding LED. LED: 4 LEDs used to display the brightness and timing of the corresponding internal LED. Switch: used to trigger 1 of 4 code loops or other definable code presets. Volume: each potentiometer controls the volume level for the corresponding optical theremin circuit. Tone: each potentiometer increases or decreases the pitch relative to the light input of the optical theremin circuit. Volume: one potentiometer to control the overall volume of the mixed audio output. On/off: switch to turn off power to optical theremin circuits, etc. Audio output: (4) 1/4" mono jack one for each of the optical theremin circuits. Output: (1) 1/4" mono jack for mixed audio output. Other input/output: USB for powering and altering Arduino code, reset button for Arduino, power jack?, and etc?.

Simple mixer circuit for mixing audio output from each optical theremin circuit. Simple two line output combiner

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