Thursday, October 09, 2008

Arduino Light Sequencer Project

Use Arduino + code to control the rate and sequence at which four LEDs flash. Two switches are used to trigger two or more sets of sequences. Each LED will be coupled with the photocell of a simple optical theremin circuit. Each optical theremin circuit will transfer sound output to a channel on the mixer via 1/4" mono jack.

The intent is to create a simple sound sequencer that can be arranged using code + Arduino; which will form a foundation for further experimentation.

Sample code + tutorials:
Arduino Tutorial - Knight Rider
Arduino Tutorial - Pushbutton

RS Optical Theremin Circuit

RS Optical Theremin Circuit x 4
On/off switch x 2
LED x 4
220 Resistor x 4
1K Resistor x 2
1/4" mono jack male x 4

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