Thursday, November 16, 2006

Drawing sound

Drawing sound

The drawing surface + mounting surface is suspending from above leaving approx. 8-12" space between the board + the wall. This space will be used to arrange the sound + movement components. The mounting surface may be metal to allow magnetic contacts to be held in place to control devices/components that produce repetitive beats/sounds, such as a cooling fan, etc. Moving the magnetic contacts from contact point to contact point could activate other similar components The drawing surface will be made of heavy graphite lines acting as resistors for LEDs and other sound operated devices; these devices will be operated by another set of contacts.

I've looked at the lengths of the graphite lines, it seems that the LED will still light slightly even when the line is 22" long. The lines have to be redrawn to build up graphite; the line can still remain quite thin. I plan on using the story of the Tower of Babel to influence the drawing surface (see the images in the previous posts, Tuesday, Novemeber 14th). This weekend I have booked an overhead projector to help transfer specific aspects of the Tower of Babel paintings to the drawing surface.

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