Saturday, November 04, 2006

Music + Movement

Schillinger's research has been summarised as: " is a form of movement. Any phyiscal action or process has its equivalent form of expression in music. Both movement and music are understandable with our existing knowledge of science." 'Schillinger System' - giving a device movement; a device is able to then produce sound. A machine with contacts/sensors can move around an area connecting + disconnecting graphite traces. As it moves different sounds are produced, it could also create new graphite lines as it moves. Eventually these line begin to overlap creating new graphite resistors + points of contact.

Some problems arise: the graphite lines have to be consistant + have an appropriate weight. The line works the best when it is drawn dark + wide.

If graphite lines are drawn on a rotating disk, where a contact is placed at the center + another on the inner portions, as it moves different resistances are applied. The sound, caused by the varying resistances, will cycle through and through.

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